
Dragflow chooses to soften the environmental impact with advanced technologies for dredging optimisation and naturalistic protection. High performances imply a specific attention towards ecosystems where the operations are carried, since they often are fragile and easy to jeopardise.

That’s why Dragflow conceived technical solutions like the anti-turbidity bell: designed to preserve marine ecosystems close to harbours where dredging operations are performed. During these operations, the environment could be compromised because of toxic substances, like metals, oil, nutrients, bacteria, chemical products and other substances presented at high levels on marine sediments, capable of contaminating the sea life.

The anti-turbidity bell, once applied to a dredging pump, limits the turbidity effects to the aspiration area without any effect on the operation performances.

This solution has been successfully applied to a dredge for the excavation in one of the main touristic, industrial and commercial ports of the Adriatic Sea: the port of Brindisi, located in one the most environmentally rich ecosystems of the Mediterranean Sea.

Another Dragflow solution to reduce environmental impact is its submerged pump technology. Thanks to solid concentrations by volume up to 20% superior than average suction pumps, Dragflow optimises the power needed for material transportation. This solution means smaller engines to obtain the same production levels, with less fuel consumption and less water required in dredging operations.

Some case histories and feedback:

Place: Jordan and Italy
Year: 2009

Dredge with HY85/160

Jordan: Full optional dredge with HY85/160 hydraulic pump and excavators.
Italy: Dredge with hydraulic arm, HY85/160 pump with jet-ring and anti-turbity bell.

The dredge is equipped with a dredging monitoring system.

Place: Georgia
Year: 2011


The project aims to widen a commercial port in Georgia and cleaning the access canal.

The problem:

Using a very versatile dredge capable of working to 15m deep with unloading distances between 200m and 600m.

Our solution:

Dragflow DRH85/160E22DF: a full optional dredge with two pumps. The first pump mounted on the dredge for working on the central area of the new port and another installed on an excavator for working on the coastline on the same time.