
Dredging operations can cause an elevated and complex environmental impact. Together with the problem of draining materials resulting from dredging, the necessity of protecting the marine ecosystem during the operations of excavation is assuming greater importance. The water turbidity in the zones adjacent to dredging operations is a matter that has recently assumed a particular relevance. The possible damage to flora and fauna in the zone of operations is considerable and its consequences are seen in the longterm.

Marine sediments are contaminated by metals, hydrocarbons, bacteria and chemical substances of synthesis; pollutants that tend to be toxic, persistent and susceptible to accumulation in living organisms. An excavation that does not limit the turbidity of the water surrounding the work site could cause serious damage to marine ecosystems.

This problem has been faced recently during a dredge for the west bay of Brindisi Port in Italy. In order to limit and control the water turbidity during dredging works, an anti-turbidity bell has been applied to the dredging pump. By keeping performances of the pump unaltered, this system enables the limitation of turbidity that derives from excavation operations to a circumscribed area around the pump.

This system is another example of Dragflow’s immediate answers to our partners’ demands.