
The formal inauguration of Aslean International Tires factory was completed on 23 June 2011, with the Mayor, along with other high officials, attending the ceremony. Mr Giuseppe Ferrara, inventor of Tap Rap, along with Sergio Ferrara, CEO of Tap Rap, were also a part of the ceremony.

Aslean International Tires is the only and best tire reconstruction company in the Nordic Region. It is now reconstructing the biggest rim size tires in the world. Our services are now being appreciated by all primary, secondary and tertiary sectors related to tire industry.

Aslean International Tires is working in strong co-operation with Tap Rap and actually represents TAP RAP in the Nordic Region. Aslean International Tires is also successfully expanding its services to other countries.

Please feel free to contact us and we will assist in every possible way we can.