
New Era Systems today unveiled its new MINE-SAT service for providing secure, high bandwidth and real-time communications between mining operations and overseas home offices. Using the satellite service and equipment package that comes with MINE-SAT, a company can bring cost-effective, secure, high bandwidth and real-time communications to help increase the production efficiency and control of a mining operation, potentially saving millions.

New Era Systems COO Phil Thomas said: "Imagine the potential improvements in control, reporting, and operational efficiency when your remotest mining operation is live and securely online with your central scientific, analytical and corporate network functions."

MINE-SAT allows enterprise networks to remotely monitor and control activities at multiple mine sites throughout the hemisphere via a single network centre. The MINE-SAT system can also enable critical applications such as monitoring of mine site security, access control, CCTV surveillance and asset tracking and management, all from thousands of miles away.

New Era Systems, Inc., headquartered in Pompano Beach, Florida, US, has provided secure satellite systems and services to mining operations around the world since 2000.