Telekomünikasyon has provided DAMM’s TetraFlex® solution to Ana gold Mining at Çöpler Gold Mine, İliç / Erzincan,Turkey. The mine is owned by Alacer Gold Corp Canada / Australia
Alacer Gold Corp is an intermediate gold producer with a portfolio of long-life mines. Alacer’s operations produced a total of 421,204oz of gold in 2011. Production outlook for calendar 2012 is 385,000oz to 403,000oz.
Çöpler Gold Mine is an open pit mine located 120km southwest of Erzincan, Turkey. With Current proven annd probable reserves of 4,4 million ounces, Çöpler Gold Mine is an important asset for Alacer Gold Corp in Turkey.
Processing environment and safety objectives
The processing flow consists of crushing, pressure oxidation, leaching, and refining, thus representing a very tough working environment. Consequently, Çöpler Gold Mine applies the following overall safety objectives:
- Respecting legal requirements and international standards
- Creating and maintaining a safe, healthy and positive working environment
- Educating, and training, employees in HSE best practice and procedures to develop the safety culture
In order to respect the above guidelines, efficient and reliable communication is a must. TetraFlex was selected to provide a rapid and professional radio communication system aiming at ensuring a safe working environment.
The feature requirements set by Çöpler Gold Mine were as follows:
- Private and secure voice and data access through all mining fields and operation
- Workers safety: man down, emergency call features
- Scada and telemetering applications
- Data and security alarms
- Blast Alarm with audible and text notifications
- Operation of Base Stations in harsh environmental conditions with temperature ranging from -40˚C to +60˚C
The complete system, meeting the demanding operational needs, is provided by ATEL Telekomünikasyon. The TETRA radio communication infrastructure, including Dispatcher applications, was provided by DAMM.
Infrastructure provided by DAMM
The TetraFlex solution from DAMM was chosen due to its most rugged, reliable and easily scalable communication system meeting requirements in open pit mining operations.
Further, the compact and low weight TetraFlex outdoor base stations allows installations direct in the antenna mast to provide coverage access all mining field operations.
The outputs of the existing analogue gas sensors (six units) in the mining field provides data through the TETRA network to the SCADA system and respective monitors placed in the centralised command and control centre.
The system is further designed for group and private calls, DMO and TMO calls and emergency calls.
The TetraFlex Dispatcher application is in operation where the staff in charge monitors and dispatches the terminals via the GPS positioning feature. The staff in charge dispatches personnel and can easily track and optimize the movements of the mobile equipment within the mining area in real time.
The TetraFlex Network Management System provides easy access to configuration and surveillance of the entire network and all the subscribers (modems and terminals).
Customer feedback
Çöpler Gold Mine is pleased with the performance of the TetraFlex System. Based on the current usage, Çöpler Gold Mine plans to add additional applications over the TETRA network as well as implementing TETRA for vehicles. Christian Bak, area sales manager from DAMM comments "With the Cöpler Gold Mine, DAMM provides another reliable and solid infrastructure for mining operations. Based on DAMM’s strong presence in the Australian mining sector & combined with an excellent reputation in the market place, Alacer Gold Corp activities in Turkey underline our commitment to a demanding segment".