Shell announced in October of 2018 its plans to develop more onshore natural gas fields in Queensland, Australia. The QGC project would provide more natural gas for both domestic and export customers not to mention the boost it would bring to the regional economy. According to Shell, their continued investment was a reflection of their commitment to supplying the domestic market and enhancing Australia’s reputation as a global liquefied natural gas supplier.
It’s certainly been keeping Poly Welders Mark Cassidy and Kris Tattam of MPC Kinetic busy. These photos were taken recently after they had completed live tie-ins and were preparing for testing so they could be connected to Shell’s QGC project.
A range of fusion equipment was used on the job, including the McElroy TracStar® 900 and 618 models and Georg Fischer tapping saddles. The TracStar machines have fusion carriages that are easily removable so that fusions can be performed in tight spaces in the ditch. This in-ditch capability worked out well in this situation since some of the fusions were performed in a bell hole with strict safety requirements. After placing the fusion carriage in the bell hole, Cassidy said they were able to easily extend and connect the machine’s hydraulic hoses to the carriage to power the fusions.
Cassidy has been with MPC Kinetic since 2012. Here’s to all the fusion operators like Cassidy and Tattam who take such pride in their work and play an essential role in building better infrastructure around the world.