
Across October 13 – 16, leading standards developer ASTM International is holding a four-day board event, which will include a board meeting, in Boston, Masuchusetts, US.

The organisation’s board chairman and Malvern Panalytical Dutch marketing manager  Taco van der Maten said: “Leaders in academia, testing, healthcare, the environment and many other fields based in the Boston area rely on ASTM International standards to drive innovation, quality and safety.

“I look forward to our diverse international board converging on such a dynamic city. Our board is thrilled to meet in Boston and develop relationships with people who contribute to standards development and use ASTM International’s globally recognised technical standards and services.”

On Tuesday October 15, board members and other ASTM staff will hold events and meetings in the Boston area with:

  • Boston Scientific
  • Cambridge Polymer Group
  • FM Approvals
  • GCP Applied Technologies
  • Instron
  • Johnson & Johnson
  • Liberty Mutual
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Montrose Environmental Group
  • Northeastern University
  • Simpson Gumpertz
  • Terrafugia
  • ThermoFisher
  • Tufts University
  • US Food and Drug Administration
  • US Mass
  • Wayfair

Since 2000, ASTM International’s twice-yearly board meetings have been held in Canada, China, Germany, Japan, Korea, Mexico, The Netherlands, Sweden, the UK, the UAE and the US.

About ASTM International

Committed to serving global societal needs, ASTM International positively impacts public health and safety, consumer confidence and overall quality of life.

We integrate consensus standards, developed with our international membership of volunteer technical experts, and innovative services to improve lives.