
The Internet of Things (IoT) can be beneficial across the whole mining value chain, allowing different assets and people to be monitored and accounted for across vast distances in hazardous conditions.

The falling price of sensors and improved computing power is helping miners to implement IoT across the whole value chain. Using data from machines to improve productivity and efficiency can in turn help reduce emissions, improving ESG credentials.

Autonomous drilling, driverless haul trucks, drones for surveying and safety, wearable technologies, and predictive maintenance are some of the IoT mining technologies that can improve mining operations.

Leading miners in Internet of Things

Leading companies are those that use drones, autonomous vehicles and machinery, and collect and use data throughout the mining value chain to improve operations. Some leaders also use wearable technology for enhanced safety and have private connectivity networks on the mine site to improve collaboration and communication, as well as facilitate the use of IoT devices.

A few leading adopters in mining are Anglo American, AngloGold Ashanti, Barrick Gold, BHP, Freeport McMoRan, Fortescue Metals, Newmont, Teck Resources and Vale.

Discover the leading Internet of Things companies in mining

Using its experience in the sector, Mining Technology has listed some of the leading companies providing products and services related to IoT.

The information provided in the download document is drafted for mining executives and technology leaders involved in IoT mining solutions.

The download contains detailed information on suppliers and their product offerings, alongside contact details to aid purchase or hiring decisions.

Amongst the leading suppliers of IoT for mining are ABB, Caterpillar, Emesent, Epiroc, Fatigue Science, Guardhat, Hexagon, Komatsu, Sandvik, SymboticWare and Trimble.

Future of IoT in mining

Global IoT spending grew strongly in 2020, increasing from $1.2bn in 2019 to $1.4bn in 2020. It is expected to reach $1.9bn by 2025 with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.2%.

There are opportunities for IoT to be implemented and improve operations across the whole mining value chain, from prospecting through to reclamation. Devices such as drones, wearables, proximity detection sensors on moving machinery and vehicles, and scanners to identify different ore grades and feed this information through the mining value chain can all yield small but cumulative gains in productivity.