DataProphet helps customers around the world to reduce defects, increase recoveries and improve throughput.
Our DataProphet PRESCRIBE expert execution system (EES) optimises beneficiation plants through a deep learning artificial intelligence solution.
By using powerful machine learning algorithms, DataProphet PRESCRIBE is able to inductively discover the complex relationships between process parameters and plant metrics and generate prescriptive remedial actions.
Through a web-based interface, DataProphet PRESCRIBE provides operators with continuous and actionable prescriptions to optimise grade, recovery, throughput and energy utilisation while making a real difference to process outcomes.
Data-driven plant optimisation control powered by deep learning
Optimising plants with digital twins can be time-consuming and inefficient.
Digital twins are digital representations of the plant, which rely on handmade mathematical models of its processes. In the case of intricate beneficiation processes, accurate mathematical models are often too difficult to create due to the complex relationships between process variables and plant metrics, with many of the interactions poorly understood.
Data-driven expert execution systems are able to inductively discover these relationships from historical data. This enables data-driven control systems to optimise mineral processing plants without the need to construct accurate mathematical representations of the sub-processes by hand.
DataProphet PRESCRIBE learns from the hundreds of man-years of experience stored in historical plant data. In doing so, DataProphet PRESCRIBE discovers the intricate relationships between process variables and process outputs across the entire plant or process.
Expert execution systems for data insights
Operators in beneficiation plants have to contend with disturbances and changing dynamics in their processes. Insights into their operations change more quickly than they can be interpreted.
An ESS can automatically interpret these insights and convert them into prescriptions for plant personnel to enact.
DataProphet PRESCRIBE continuously monitors processes. Prescriptions for action by operators and engineers, are automatically generated and presented in an interface.
Intuitive web-based dashboard for plant operators
Actionable prescriptions for each section of the plant provide operators with only the information they require.
DataProphet PRESCRIBE remains aware of the overall plant state. Prescriptions are ordered by their level of importance to the plant output metrics.
This ensures that operators and engineers focus on what matters, making a real difference to process outcomes.
Seamless integration with operational technologies
Operational technologies (OT) are the backbone of many beneficiation plants.
DataProphet PRESCRIBE integrates seamlessly with existing technologies such as plant historians and laboratory information management systems (LIMNS), where a connector enables integration with third-party solutions.
Where data has been manually captured, DataProphet can assist with the digital upliftment and integration into DataProphet PRESCRIBE.
Award-winning machine learning solution
DataProphet PRESCRIBE is internationally recognised and has won a number of awards, including:
- World Economic Forum – 2019 Technology Pioneer
- CB Insights – AI 100 Most Innovative Start-ups
- Fast Company – Most Innovative Companies
- The AIconics – Winner of Best Innovation in Deep Learning
- Mercedes Benz – Winner of SA Innovation Challenge
- AfricArena – Winner of AfricArena Vinci Energies Challenge
DataProphet’s highly skilled team of engineers and data scientists have in-depth experience in deploying AI solutions. DataProphet PRESCRIBE is deployed across a broad range of applications in the following sectors:
- Mineral processing
- Foundry
- Automotive
- Long steel
- General manufacturing
Please contact us to learn more about how we can help you make a real difference to your process outcomes.