
Container Mounted Fabric Shelters are now widely used by the worlds leading mining and industrial companies as workshops, warehouses and materials storage.

The Fabric Roof Structure can be transported in kit form to the remotest sites and easily installed by client’s teams, typically from as little a few hours to a couple of days. It can then just as easily be dismantled and relocated across or off-site to meet changing work needs. More complex installations can be handled by specialist installation teams from DomeShelter Australia.

The Fabric Structure is most often mounted on standard sea containers which can be stacked up to three high for height and end to end for length. (Hence the name Container Mounted Fabric Shelter.) As a result, the Shelter can be built to any length and as high as required for the largest equipment.

Mounting Options

Other options for mounting include steel posts, a combination of containers and posts or concrete walls.

Cyclonic Winds

Fabric Shelters from DomeShelter Australia can be engineered to withstand cyclonic winds.

Sea Containers

Sea containers offer a range of benefits for mounting the fabric roof. They can be secured using a variety of methods, depending on the situation and they can be used as a secure office and storage space, associated with the warehouse or workshop.


Fabric Shelters come in a range of standard sizes or they can be designed to a customised size to suit client needs. Standard sizes are often available to ship to the client within days of order and as a result, can be on site and installed in a short time. Clients projects can be up and running quickly and easily and the clients save time and money as a result.

Customised sizes go to our specialist design and engineering teams and take longer to manufacture and ship, but the client ends up with a fit for purpose shelter that meets their requirements.

All shelters come with full engineering certification.


Container Mounted Fabric Shelters offer significant advantages over traditional steel buildings. They can be transported to site anywhere in the world with ease. Up to 1,000m² of roof space can be fitted in kit form into a single sea container. Once on-site, they can be quickly and easily installed and relocated with ease across or off-site to suit changing work needs.