Working to mitigate against unstable surface layers
Certain rock slopes have an unstable surface layer that often requires additional stabilisation.
Maccaferri offers a range of surface strengthening and support systems with high strength mesh systems designed to work in conjunction with anchorages, to increase the stability of unstable rock slope surfaces.
Practical and simple-to-install systems to stabilise slopes
Maccaferri systems offer high strength with low strain; important characteristics to limit displacement of the unstable rock surface mass.
Due to this, Maccaferri meshes do not require tensioning during installation, saving cost and time on the rock face, and they do not need to be overlapped, saving material wastage. On some mine projects, 8m-wide Steelgrid® rolls have been installed, getting the mine back to work quicker.
Wide range and global manufacturing capacity
Selecting from a wide range of steel wire and cable meshes, Maccaferri tailors solutions to the specific needs of the mine.
For highly aggressive site conditions Maccaferri offers heavily Galmac (zinc and aluminium galvanised) and polymer coated meshes. Systems include HEA panels, Steelgrid HR, Ring Net panels and double-twist mesh.
Other available stabilisation solutions
For global stability issues, the company offers a range of other solutions, such as soil nailing, deep anchors, to complement these surface meshes.
Maccaferri provides clients with comprehensive technical advice to support the project at all stages.
Its MacRO software assists designers in selecting the most appropriate surface stabilisation solution for their slopes.