
Mining fleet management software

According to GlobalData research, there are over 86,000 mining trucks, 16,000 hydraulic excavators and shovels, 2,000 electric shovels and 19,000 dozers active in mines worldwide. The productivity and safety of these machines are improved through fleet management software, which helps miners to optimise cycle times, manage fuel costs, minimise downtime and maintenance, track machines and miners, as well as automate their equipment.

The use of mine management software in general, and fleet management software specifically, are becoming more widespread amongst mines, with 45% of mines surveyed by GlobalData having indicated they had fully invested in mine management software and a further 11% having made considerable investments.

Leading companies in the fleet management software market include OEMs such as Caterpillar (Minestar), Komatsu (Komtrax), Hitachi (Wenco) and Sandvik (OptiMine), as well as dedicated mining software providers such as Datamine, Modular Mining, Hexagon and Micromine.

Finding the best fleet management software providers

Mining Technology has listed leading suppliers of mining fleet management software solutions, based on both its experience in the sector and mine-site research carried out by GlobalData.

From surface to underground mining; from drills to haul trucks, excavators, dozers, loaders and LHDs; and from OEMs to dedicated software providers, the list covers the whole range of software solutions for the entire mining cycle.

The information in the download document is designed for mine managers, maintenance managers, fleet managers, procurement officers and any other individual involved in fleet management.

The download contains detailed information on the suppliers and their product lines, alongside contact details to aid your purchasing decisions.

Related Buyer’s Guides which cover an extensive range of mining equipment manufacturers, solutions providers and technology, can also be found here.