
The NPI scheme requires companies to report the emissions to air (point source and fugitive), emissions to water, emissions to land and transfers for substances that are produced by a facility and trip reporting thresholds.

What Greenbase Do?

We offer a full range of services from consultation to submission and audit support.

Your dedicated Greenbase account lead will define your reporting boundaries and thresholds, help streamline your data collection process and assist with all your reporting needs.

Using our IGAN system, we provide a personalised online document management system and reporting page with customisable frameworks based on your reportable activities.

Why Greenbase?

  • Meaningful Data Analysis

Our personally constructed reporting platform allows you to drill-down and pin-point emissions by source.

  • Support Services

A complimentary personalised data collection sheet to assist gathering the required data and a 2-hour online training session.

  • Business Optimisation

Using our reports can help optimise operations and identify business development opportunities.

  • Regulatory Understanding

Greenbase will invest time to keep up-to-date with changes in regulatory legislation so you don’t have to.