
Koan Analytics are world-class experts in data engineering, data science (machine learning and natural language processing) and the art of visual computing.

Through the funding of large-cap resource companies, Koan has built the only enterprise-level advanced exploration analytics systems available in the resource sector.

Together, Koan’s expertise runs across the full range of data management and data science skill sets and is the core element of what makes them a leader in the field.

Visual of Koan’s Analytics Platform.
A building block of an enterprise analytics platform.
A deposit classifier model.
A target probability map of gold.

A platform approach for exploration analytics

A truly effective analytics platform must be able to perform six fundamental capabilities:

  • Transform and integrate data from public, third-party and proprietary sources into a single system
  • Create a single automatically populated and geospatially mapped knowledge repository
  • Enable the rapid development of new algorithms and analytic features
  • Integrate thousands of features into specific commodity models
  • Provide world-class security and protection of all data and proprietary methods
  • Offer an intuitive interface for non-data scientists to rapidly explore the data and the meaning and interpretation coming from analytic models.


The science of exploration geology is fundamentally about the interconnected associations and correlations of geological characteristics as a unified system. Only a comprehensive platform approach to analytics is capable of finding these key characteristics across all types of geoscientific data.  Pulling different types of geoscience together into an integrated analysis is the most effective way of finding today’s new deeper and undercover deposits.

Unlocking the knowledge hidden inside the data represents hundreds of billions in potential revenue. Unlocking this knowledge is exactly what Koan’s analytics is all about.

A knowledge repository for advanced analytics

The development of a knowledge repository is arguably the single most important step in enabling advanced analytics. During this process, Koan transforms and integrates structured and unstructured data together into refined data attributes (e.g., alteration styles, structure), and then automatically makes the data for use in exploratory data analysis or machine learning tasks. They are then available for inquiry and analysis by geologists at lightning speed.

Classification and analysis of mining deposits

Every commodity and every deposit type, in each new location, has a unique signature of characteristics. By measuring feature importance, it is possible to rank the importance of these characteristics. Different types of geological data provide certain insights and perspectives, – but which is the most relevant?  The answer is – it depends. The predictive features of greatest importance vary by commodity and location.

Koan’s platform enables users to map these characteristics and build them into new very large high-dimensional analytic models.  These models can then be used by non-data scientists repeatedly – fine-tuning and refining, adding new data as it is collected.

The result is a platform securely owned and controlled by our customers.  Models are continuously refined and perfected through human-computer interaction (HCI). Koan provides the types of probability targeting analysis that quite literally could not be achieved without deep, sophisticated analytics.  It has taken almost five years to build the world’s most advanced exploration analytics platform.  Those efforts are already starting to pay off with new global discoveries.

About Koan Analytics

The majority of Koan’s partners and all senior development team members have 25-30 years of advanced computer science, machine learning (ML) based data science/analytics experience.

Most of Koan’s senior team have worked together for more than 20 years and were early developers and adopters of machine learning-based information technology (IT) infrastructure, analytic methods and visualization techniques.

In addition, the company has continued this past decade building cutting-edge analytics, ranging from building the virtual worlds that power autonomous vehicle training to real-time rendering of satellite imagery. Koan saw an opportunity to bring the most advanced analytic capabilities to the resource sector – they have now built the platform and analytics to do it.