Guardvant’s safety solutions use advanced technologies to help improve mine operator performance, create a more productive work environment, and protect assets.
The company’s solutions include OpGuard operator condition detection, ProxGuard 360o situational awareness, and CollisionGuard GPS collision avoidance.
In addition, Guardvant’s web-based OpWeb integrated analytics suite provides real-time access, allowing operational analysis to be completed from any location.
Operator condition detection solutions
Utilizing in-cab sensors and detection equipment, OpGuard is a real-time non-intrusive fatigue and distraction detection solution that continuously monitors operators to proactively prevents accidents.
Operators are monitored in real-time, allowing them to have immediate notification when a fatigue or distraction event occurs.
360° situational awareness systems
Utilizing various combinations of radars and cameras, ProxGuard provides and shares relevant surrounding information with operators.
ProxGuard is a fully customizable solution aimed at achieving total operator awareness based on equipment activity levels and site specific safety goals.
GPS collision avoidance
Utilizing peer-to-peer communication between equipment, CollisionGuard increases situational awareness by displaying the location of any other nearby equipped equipment to the operator.
The fully configurable solution integrates with all mine designs and equipment to ensure comprehensive equipment coverage
Integrated analytics suite for mine operators
Providing real-time access to all Guardvant solutions, OpWeb allows for operational analysis to be completed from any location.
OpWeb’s capabilities allow stakeholders to analyze and assess historical operator and event data to aid in managing future mine and operator condition management plans.
About Guardvant
Headquartered in Tucson, Arizona, US, Guardvant was founded in 2010 and focuses on creating innovative technology solutions to help clients improve safety, productivity, and equipment availability.
Our highly qualified team has a proven track record of successful system design, implementation and support in the mining industry.
Our customer-centric approach allows us to deliver customized solutions that exceed goals and objectives.