
Extrin specialises in the inspection, corrosion management control and refurbishment of industrial plant assets. Western Australia-owned and based in Perth, we work with our clients to create integrated asset management programmes.

With increased operating costs, dynamic economic environments and limited resources, the implementation of an asset integrity programme to extend service life of plant concrete or steel infrastructure can be challenging, but invaluable.

Extrin offers a personalised approach to such asset management, corrosion control and project management services to deliver practical corrosion mitigation and reliability strategies. Our strategies are tailored to clients’ individual requirements, through comprehensive client consultation and feedback.

Mining asset integrity management services

The aim of asset integrity management is to ensure that plant infrastructure is in a fit-for-service condition, while extending the remaining plant life in a reliable, safe and cost-effective manner. Asset integrity management is regarded in many best-practice organisations as a high-level business function.

Plant infrastructure and assets can be found in many places, some under more challenging environments, and both temperature and humidity affect corrosion.
Coatings and linings can be difficult to apply and quality control is critical to long-term performance of the asset.
Coating breakdown and underfilm corrosion occurring on structural steel assets can be avoided by better quality control during application.
Project management and single-point accountability allow for coordinated activities to occur across many disciplines.
Concrete CP anode systems can also deteriorate if incorrectly installed and operated.

An independent corrosion engineering and durability consultancy, Extrin specialises in corrosion identification and the analysis of the failure potential of an asset, based on lifecycle assessment and structural design.

Asset management typically begins with corrosion risk assessment and risk-based inspection of critical plant assets. It can involve periodic inspection or long-term monitoring utilising specialised monitoring equipment.

In accordance with Extrin’s core values, corrosion issues are scoped in a logical, pragmatic and best-practice approach.

Through successful implementation of an asset management programme, Extrin aims to:

  • Ensure that static plant items are operating at an optimum economic whole-of-life level
  • Identify and manage failure risk
  • Manage degradation
  • Use best-practice methods
  • Demonstrate due diligence and duty of care

Plant asset corrosion management

Extrin specialises in providing clients with an overall picture of the condition of a client’s assets, and how they are performing against ongoing corrosion propagation.

The corrosion management overview (CMO) is a "snapshot in time" of the condition of operating plant assets, with identification of the severity and extent of corrosion, and is often the first stage of an overall asset integrity management approach.

The more detailed corrosion management audit (CMA) is a measurement tool for maintenance and production management to assess the current condition of assets, which assets need to be attended to and in what priority.

The client’s priorities are summarised in the form of a high-level criticality table, which estimates the probability of failure based on the type of corrosion damage occurring on site. The criticality table can be used to assist with maintenance planning and budgeting.

Management of corrosion risk is mitigated by implementation of a corrosion monitoring and inspection programme, as well as the following mitigation techniques: protective coatings, cathodic protection, chemical inhibition and correct material selection.

Onsite project management and contractor supervision

With many clients now seeking ‘single point accountability’ and overall management of major projects, Extrin offers onsite project management and contractor supervision, ensuring that the client receives consistent quality and project control. Extrin’s project managers ensure all project goals and objectives are undertaken to stringent QA/QC measures, meeting all current statutory requirements and client-specified project guidelines and regulations, all within the constraints of plant production.

Extrin can provide detailed scope of work documents, cost control and optimisation of resources to ensure project deliverables are met. The project manager acts as single point of contact between client and contractor(s) at all stages of the project, whilst providing the client with regular reports on project progress to ensure timely and on-budget completion.

Quality control and coating inspection services

Quality control is the process of ensuring that work is completed to a required standard, or as intended in the scope of work document. It includes correct supervision of field work, evaluations of methodology and procedures, and inspection of final outcomes to ensure that a quality outcome is achieved.

Extrin’s project managers can provide specification review and offer quality and cost control to ensure on-site project alignment with project scope of works. Extrin can provide certified NACE and ACA coatings inspectors where specialised coating inspection services are required.

Corrosion failure analysis

Corrosion failure analysis involves the investigation and testing of structures, coatings and linings due to corrosion and environmental degradation. With graduate corrosion and other engineers, Extrin offers inspection and identification of different factors associated with asset failure due to corrosion degradation or coating failure.

Inspection and failure analysis helps ensure the continued protection of your facility. Extrin specialises in sulphate-reducing bacterial and other microbial-mediated corrosion activity, and associated asset degradation.

Cathodic protection for corrosion mitigation

Cathodic protection has proved its reliability as an effective corrosion mitigation technique from marine to mining and industrial applications, for both new and existing assets. A protection potential, derived from a sacrificial anode or impressed-current cathodic protection system, can significantly increase the service life of a steel or reinforced concrete structure.

Extrin personnel are industry-qualified cathodic protection technicians, and have been involved in detailed design, installation and commissioning of numerous cathodic protection systems in Australia and overseas.