9 October

Globally, the total confirmed cases of Covid-19 have reached over 36,574,000 with over 1,062,000 deaths and 25,485,000 recoveries.

The US, India, and Brazil remain the most affected countries.

In the US and most European regions, daily confirmed cases continue to increase.

Eastern Europe and the Balkans, with relatively low numbers at the start of the outbreak, now report sharp increases in daily confirmed cases.

In Italy, a face mask is now mandatory in outdoor spaces across the country.

In the UK, about 16,000 confirmed cases went unreported due to a technical glitch.

Although those who tested positive received their results, contact tracing was not carried out. While this error has since been resolved, there are growing concerns on the impact of this oversight in regard to a potential increase in transmission rate and case fatality.

As of yesterday, over 17,500 daily confirmed cases were reported in the UK.

Bahram Hassanpourfard, MPH, Epidemiologist at GlobalData