16 October

Globally, the total confirmed cases of COVID-19 have reached over 38,998,000 with over 1,099,000 deaths and 26,930,000 recoveries.

The US remains the most heavily affected country worldwide, accounting for 21% of the total confirmed cases across the globe.

Though the UK is experiencing a second wave of COVID-19 considerably larger than the first, daily confirmed deaths have not seen the same increase.

In Latin America, overall new daily infections are thought to be slowing. Brazil, Latin America’s worst affected region has seen a decrease in new cases and deaths since August.

Indonesia has now overtaken the Philippines as the most heavily affected country in Southeast Asia.

As new daily cases in the Philippines have started to slow, a ban on non-essential overseas travel is set to be lifted from 21 October.

Katie Wrenn, MPH, Epidemiologist  at GlobalData