4 December

Globally, the total confirmed cases of Covid-19 have reached over 65,359,000 with over 1,509,000 deaths and 42,072,000 recoveries.

The US has reached over 14,000,000 total confirmed cases and 276,383 total confirmed deaths. The number of hospitalized patients with Covid-19 is increasing in the US.

On Wednesday, the country reported a record high of 2,801 new confirmed deaths.

In western Europe, while it appears the second wave is on a downturn, countries are concerned about surges following holiday trips in December.

France increased border surveillance and in Spain trips between regions are restricted.

Germany extended the current lockdown till mid-January.

Japan and South Korea continue to report increasing number of new confirmed cases and deaths.

-Bahram Hassanpourfard, MPH, Epidemiologist at GlobalData