Proximity alert systems (PAS), or collision avoidance, is an essential part of enhancing workplace safety for mines and tunnelling operations. They protect workers by alerting heavy vehicle drivers to the presence of other vehicles, personnel and obstacles.
According to Carroll Technologies president Allen Haywood: “Through PBE electronics, we stock, service and carry out custom installs of collision avoidance systems for different types of equipment in the field. We refer to this as collision avoidance when talking about machinery and personnel.”
The PAS-ZR is a ruggedised version of PBE’s standard collision avoidance system, specifically designed for both above and below ground vehicles in the construction and mining industry. Used for light or heavy vehicles, this tag-based detection system can be utilised for both mobile and fixed assets, including workers, and uses multiple detection technologies simultaneously to provide reliable results.
PBE’s collision avoidance system uses EM (electromagnetics), RFID, GPS and bi-directional radar at the same time for accuracy that can be configured to recognise different groups (such as vehicle types or personnel). The versatility for configuring different groups allows for multiple warning scenarios and eliminates false alarms to ensure maximised safety and efficiency. Additionally, the GPS receiver allows for surface tracking and defining site Geofencing.
The system can also provide detailed daily critical reports and full data capture for offsite analysis.
With more than 30 years of experience, Carroll Technologies is ideally positioned to provide custom installation and repairs of collision avoidance systems. Through its MinerCare 24/7 support service, Carroll offers factory-authorized repair and certification, as well as rapid response for mining emergencies, expert around the clock technical support, an extensive spare parts inventory, and training for equipment from major manufacturers.
For more information about PAS systems, PBE products or safety equipment for mines and tunnels, call Carroll Technologies on 606-573-1000 or send an enquiry here.
This article was first published on Carroll Technologies