A total of 3,618 patents were granted across mining industry between July 2021 and September 2021, marking a 0.06% drop over the previous quarter (April 2021-June 2021), according to GlobalData Patents Database.
Patenting activity by top assignee
Out of 276 active assignees during the review quarter, Hitachi registered a growth change of 26% with 120 patent grants, followed by JFE Holdings with 11% (281), Kobe Steel with -9% (141), ArcelorMittal with -13% (157) and POSCO with -40% (241).
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Alloys was the most active technology application with 300 patent grants, followed by Iron Manufacturing with 272 and Metal Coating with 184.
The least active IP protected technology applications include Control/Regulating Systems and Fluent Materials Application with five and four patent grants, respectively.
Assignee highest and lowest growth rate
Ansteel Group; Toyota Motor; and Kunming University of Science And Technology saw the leading growth rates of 1150%; 600%; and 500%, respectively in patent grants during Jul-Sep 2021 compared with the previous three-month period, while Baoshan Iron & Steel saw the lowest growth rate of -95%.
Patenting activity: Leading themes in the Jul-Sep 2021 quarter
Climate Change led the mining sector with 47 patents during the review quarter, followed by Lithium-Ion Batteries and Robotics with 16 and 14 patents, respectively.
Patenting activity: Sub sector composition
In terms of sub-sector composition, Underground Equipment led IP protection with 1,032 patent grants during the review quarter, followed by Excavation & Loading with 338, Drilling & Blasting with 196, Longwall Mining Equipment with 142, and Mining with 88.
IP protection activity by region
China led IP protection activity with 893 grants and 656 new filings during the Jul-Sep 2021 quarter, followed by the US with 159 grants and 145 new filings.
Japan came in next with 113 grants and 184 new filings. Korea (South) and Taiwan stood next with 146 grants and 85 new filings; 7 grants and 36 new filings, respectively.
New entrants in Jul-Sep 2021
Anhui Institute of Information Technology, Nantong University, Ningbo University and ROHM are the four new entrants in the Mining industry with three, one, one and one patent filings, respectively during the Jul-Sep 2021 quarter.
GlobalData patents database covers bibliographic from all 100+ patenting authorities. All patents are tagged to 18+ industries and 300+ sub-sectors based on technology classification, keywords, and associated companies. They are also tagged to various industries themes (100+) and technology domains (1800+) of focus. Patents database further disambiguates assignee names (13m names) and associate corporate tree hierarchy in current/point in time ownerships (320k entities). GlobalData sources content directly from national patent offices on a weekly basis.
For generation of above insights, we have considered the 6,956 documents published during the period of July 2021 to September 2021. This data was tagged to 9 themes, 12 sectors, 321 assignees, 19,539 inventors and 37 countries.
Additional details on above insights are available on GlobalData’s suite of platforms or contact us directly for further engagement.
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