Exploration and extraction firm WA Kaolin has started building works on the production plant at its fully-owned Wickepin Kaolin project in Western Australia (WA).

The project is located 220km south east of Perth.

It has an established high-grade resource of over 100 million tonnes, as per the JORC 2012 report.

WA Kaolin CEO Andrew Sorensen said: “Our 2021 work program has already commenced in earnest with the arrival of the crew and equipment to proceed with the initial building works of the kaolin production plant.

“At this point, we are on track to commence the build in February and will provide regular updates to the market as we proceed.”

Perth-based company AUSPAN has been contracted to complete the stage one building structural design and construction works.

AUSPAN has mobilised to site to begin its work programme with a team of about 20 workers ramping up over coming weeks.

The contractor’s team have started on the footings and laying the slab of the concrete batching plant, which was delivered to Wickepin site on 6 January.

AUSPAN general manager Ben Richardson said: “Mobilisation is well under way and construction on site is ramping up following the Christmas break. Footings are almost complete and we will be ramping up to a construction team of approximately 25 by early February.

“It is exciting to be working with WA Kaolin on this world leading Kaolin Processing Plant. With approximately 100T of structural steel already delivered to site, the landscape is about to change with the commencement of structural steel installation.”

These works, according to the exploration firm, align with the company’s growing kaolin contracts and orders with customers, with the Kwinana production facility is sold out on a two-shift five-day basis.