Sweden has become a member of the Sustainable Critical Minerals Alliance (SCMA), joining countries including Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, the UK and the US.

Established in December 2022 under Canada’s leadership, the SCMA aims to promote the adoption of responsible and sustainable practices in the global critical minerals supply chain.

The alliance is in line with the G7 2030 Nature Compact’s goal to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by the end of this decade. This goal focuses on a system-wide change to cut greenhouse gas emissions, fostering sustainable and inclusive development.

Canadian Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Jonathan Wilkinson said: “Since its creation under Canadian leadership in 2022, the Sustainable Critical Minerals Alliance has worked to drive the global uptake of responsibly sourced and environmentally sustainable critical minerals supply chains and mining practices.

“Together, Canada, Australia, France, Germany, Japan, the UK, the US – and now Sweden – are putting human rights, sustainability and the highest environmental, social and governance standards at the heart of our supply chains, helping to build the prosperous, low-carbon economy of the future.”

The SCMA’s mission is to reinforce and complement current efforts to establish sustainable and resilient critical mineral supply chains.

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It encourages the development of mining practices and the sourcing of critical minerals that are environmentally conscious and socially responsible.

These practices include supporting local and Indigenous communities, adopting a nature-positive approach, combatting climate change through reduced pollution and emissions, and restoring ecosystems with clear mine site reclamation requirements.

It also includes promoting a circular economy for critical minerals reuse and recycling, and upholding ethical corporate practices with robust sustainability reporting and due diligence in supply chains.

Earlier this year, the Swedish Government said it will assess the feasibility of lifting its ban on uranium mining, which was first put in place in 2018.