NTPC, India’s integrated power company, is looking to produce 40 million tonnes (mt) of coal from its captive mines by fiscal year 2025 (FY2025), reported PTI.

This goal represents a 17% growth in captive coal production compared with the previous fiscal year and is expected to fulfil more than 15% of the company’s coal requirements.

By the end of 31 March 2024, NTPC had achieved a coal dispatch of 34.15mt as well as coal production of 34.38mt.

This performance underscores the company’s dedication to increasing coal production from its mines and ensuring an efficient supply chain to support the nation’s energy demands.

NTPC looks to attain sustained growth in coal production and has deployed various strategies and technologies towards this end.

“These include adoption of safety measures, improved mine planning, equipment automation, workforce training, and implementation of continuous monitoring and analysis systems,” according to the news agency.

In September 2020, NTPC awarded a contract worth Rs31.43bn ($430m), pertaining to the Talaipalli coal mine in Chhattisgarh, to Tamil Nadu-based Thriveni Earthmovers.

This contract called for the development and operations of the coal mine.

Earlier, BGR Mining & Infra was responsible for the development of the Talaipalli mine and other NTPC coal mines in Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh.

However, the contracts were terminated by NTPC over corruption charges against the mining contractor’s senior officials, stated PTI.