Trilogy Metals has appointed Ausenco Engineering Canada to prepare the Arctic pre-feasibility study (PFS) technical report, which is expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2018.  

The company has also appointed Amec Foster Wheeler to complete mine planning and SRK Consulting (Canada) to complete tailings and waste design, hydrology and environmental studies.

Ausenco is an engineering, construction and project management company, offering consulting, project delivery and asset management services to resources, energy, and infrastructure sectors.

Ausenco's office in Vancouver, Canada, will coordinate the Arctic PFS. 

"With a $17m total budget this year for exploration at Bornite and the Arctic PFS, it will be a very busy and productive year ahead for the company."

Trilogy Metals president and CEO Rick Van Nieuwenhuyse said: "We are pleased to have assembled an excellent team to complete our pre-feasibility study on the high-grade polymetallic Arctic deposit."

Nieuwenhuyse added: "The Arctic project is the first of many exciting opportunities in the Ambler mining district. While the Arctic PFS gets underway with a budget of S$7.1m, we will continue to explore our exciting Bornite property with a budget of $10m. 

"With a $17m total budget this year for exploration at Bornite and the Arctic PFS, it will be a very busy and productive year ahead for the company. Major mining districts take time to develop and we are fortunate to have long-term support through our partnerships with NANA, AIDEA and South32, as well as continued support from our large shareholders."

The Arctic deposit is a high-grade copper-zinc-lead volcanogenic sulphide deposit.

The company proposes a 10,000t a day, open-pit mining operation with a typical crush-grind-float flow sheet producing copper and zinc concentrates and lead concentrate.