Mining company RNI NL has announced the assay results for the first phase of aircore drilling in the Forrest and Wodger prospects in Bryah Basin, Western Australia.

In this drilling programme, a total of 85 aircore holes for 7,825m were completed that targeted the modelled alteration at Wodger and affirm stratigraphic offset at Forrest.

Initial observations of the programme are encouraging as WRAC013 and WRAC014 intersected visible malachite and azurite over several metres.

The assay results from Woodger returned highly anomalous VMS mineralisation between the Ravelstone Fm sediments and the hydrothermally altered Narracoota Formation mafic volcanic. Results were similar to the Forrest prospect.

Open towards the north and at depth, the VMS mineralisation at Wodger is more than 1km.

The company intends to start drilling at the Wodger Prospect immediately for 50 holes for 5,000m. The programme is expected to be complete by three weeks.

RNI executive director Debbie Fullarton said: "These results continue to validate our exploration methods and provide a firm foundation for a potential economic VMS deposit.

"With second phase drilling to commence immediately, RNI is enthused by these results at this high priority exploration area within the Bryah Basin."

The company has completed 14 aircore holes for 1,174m across the southern Forrest Prospect region to confirm a stratigraphic offset.

According to the assay results, anomalous VMS mineralisations were identified from aircore holes FPAC004 and FPAC011.

RNI focuses on exploring high-grade VMS copper-gold discoveries in Western Australia’s Bryah Basin region.

RNI has consolidated a 1,553km2 area in the Bryah Basin, which is segregated into five project areas, which are Doolgunna, Morck’s Well, Forrest, Cashmans and Horseshoe Well.

Image: RNI's Bryah Basin copper-gold portfolio. Photo: courtesy of RNI NL.