Australia-based exploration company Metals of Africa (MTA) has witnessed multiple large-scale uranium-iron-oxide-copper-gold (U-IOCG) drill targets at its Mkindu project in Tanzania.
The Mkindu project is located in the eastern region of Tanzania. It is 100%-owned by MTA and was acquired as part of a portfolio of five highly prospective exploration assets.
The Mkindu target is a volcanic breccia pipe or carbonatite IOCG of likely Phanerozoic age, and is located close to major region faults and structures.
The targets, identified from geophysical modeling, appear to be less than 100m below the surface, predominantly concealed and are of a significant size.
According to the company, the geophysical modelling involved 3D magnetic inversion processing of airborne magnetic data, flown at a line spacing of 250m.
The process identified multiple intrusions in an area that is believed to be conceptually prospective for Olympic Dam style U-IOCG style mineralisation.
MTA is seeking to conduct an initial exploration programme, which will include field mapping, surface sampling and ground geophysics, scheduled for completion by May.
The company will commence drilling, following successful results of the initial programme.
Earlier in February, MTA had revealed assay results from drilling at the Rio Mazoe lead-zinc-silver project, and drilling for a total of 1,719.96m at the Rulio prospect, with five holes intersecting high-grades of lead, zinc and copper mineralisation.
Image: Mkindu 3D magnetic inversion from aerial perspective. Photo: courtesy of Metals of Africa Ltd.