
India-based EasyM2M Technologies has introduced underground Wi-Fi facility for Eastern Coalfields (ECL) mines in a bid to help workers communicate with their officials in the control rooms.

As part of its service, EasyM2M will also introduce wrist phones for ECL workers to enable real-time tracking, ET reported.

EasyM2M Technologies founder Priya Ranjan Kumar told media sources: "One miner dies every third day. A lot of time is lost in miners trying to communicate to the surface during an accident, emergency, or even for quick advice on how to fix a machine."

"A lot of time is lost in miners trying to communicate to the surface during an accident, emergency, or even for quick advice on how to fix a machine."

According to Kumar, Indian miners working in underground and open-cast mines are usually provided with a phone or an intercom device so that they can interact with the monitoring and control rooms, which are not reliable and rarely work.

In order to support the iWristPhone features, EasyM2M built wireless mesh networks that eliminate the traditional coal mine monitoring systems.

The wrist phone with Wi-Fi and bluetooth connectivity also comes with a gravity sensor that can detect miners falling and becoming trapped. It also has a three megapixel built-in camera to make video calls in emergency situations.

The miners’ GPS coordinates can also be monitored and recorded using the device, which can also measure their heart rate and blood pressure.

Indian coal producer ECL owns 105 coal mines, with the majority of them located in West Bengal and parts of Jharkhand.

Out of the company’s total mines, 81 are underground and 24 are open-cast operations.

Image: Workers in underground and opencast mines are provided with a phone or an intercom device generally. Photo: courtesy of pakorn.