Iamgold, a Toronto-based gold mining firm, has secured environmental approval for its proposed Côté gold mine, which is located close to the community of Gogama, Ontario.

Canadian Minister for Environment and Climate Change Catherine McKenna has stated that the project is not likely to cause any significant adverse environmental effects and therefore, it may proceed.

The minister gave approval after considering the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency’s environmental assessment report.

The report had included the agency’s conclusions and recommendations on the potential environmental effects of the project, the proposed mitigation measures, the significance of any adverse environmental effects, and the follow-up programme.

"Once operational, the mine is expected to have a daily ore production capacity of 60,000t over its 15-year life."

McKenna established legally binding conditions, which include mitigation measures and follow-up requirements that the firm must comply with throughout the life of the project.

The company will now have to obtain other necessary approvals and permits including regulatory authorisations from departments such as Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Transport Canada and Natural Resources Canada.

Iamgold owns 92.5% of the Côté gold mine.

It intends to construct an open pit mine of 210 ha in surface area, and 550m deep, reported Miningweekly.com.

Once operational, the mine is expected to have a daily ore production capacity of 60,000t over its 15-year life.