Glencore has secured a contract to provide training and ramp-up support services to mining and metals company Nyrstar’s Transformation project in Port Pirie, South Australia. 

Alongside an existing blast furnace, the project includes installation of an Ausmelt furnace.

The contract will be carried out through Glencore’s subsidiary Kazzinc’s operation in Kazakhstan.

Kazzinc’s New Metallurgy project uses Glencore Technology’s ISASMELT process along with the existing blast furnace.

Under the contract, Glencore Technology will provide an ISASMELT licence to Nyrstar.

Using this licence, Nyrstar will operate certain patented production processes, providing maximum flexibility for the Port Pirie smelter in the selection of its feedstock. 

As part of the support services, Glencore will train Nyrstar’s personnel at the Kazzinc lead smelting operations in Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan. 

Furthermore, the contract includes training of Nyrstar personnel and commissioning assistance by Kazzinc personnel at the Nyrstar Port Pirie operation during ramp-up. 

"Under the contract, Glencore Technology will provide an ISASMELT licence to Nyrstar."

Glencore Technology provides process flow design, engineering, equipment supply, commissioning and operational expertise, as well as ongoing process and maintenance support.

Kazzinc is a fully integrated zinc producer with considerable copper, precious metals, and lead credits.

In May 2014, a funding and support package agreement was reached between Nyrstar and the South Australian Government to proceed with the A$514m ($388.71) redevelopment of Port Pirie Smelter to an advanced multi-metals processing and recovering facility. 

Nyrstar is a multi-metals business with mining, smelting and other operations located in Europe, the Americas and Australia. 

Image: Nyrstar personnel will be trained at the Kazzinc lead smelting operations in Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan. Photo: courtesy of Glencore.