Australia’s federal scientific research agency CSIRO has signed a commercialisation deal with equipment, technology, and services company Corescan to provide knowledge of orebodies and associated alteration for the global mining industry.
Under the deal, CSIRO's advanced mineral analysis and logging technology, HyLogger, has been licensed to Corescan.
The technology operates on an automated scanning platform, helping reduce costs and delays associated with laboratory analysis by providing near real-time analysis.
It uses the spectra of reflected light from mineral surfaces to interpret mineralogy of the material and is claimed to be reliable for systematic mineral identification than existing visual techniques used in drilling programmes.
Through the deal, the research agency opened the way for the industry to use hyperspectral analysis of drill materials for exploration and mining.
CSIRO research director Dr Rob Hough said: "Through our partnership with the Australian state geological surveys, the National Virtual Core Library and AuScope, hyperspectral data is now routinely acquired at government core repositories and is generating new knowledge on mineral systems.
"Transferring the technology and ongoing development to Corescan, an Australian SME, will enable CSIRO to focus on the application and integration of hyperspectral information with other datasets to support mineral exploration through cover and for rapid resource characterisation in deposits."
It is estimated that the Australian exploration industry incurs an expenditure of around A$600m ($452m) a year towards drilling holes to locate economic mineral resources.
The partnership intends to reduce costs and provide detailed knowledge of mineralogy and alteration patterns associated with prospective mineral regions needed for guiding successful exploration.
Corescan is planning to integrate HyLogger into its existing suite of hyperspectral imaging equipment, in a bid to accommodate different commodities and meet customer requirements during the exploration and mining cycle.
Alongside Australia, Corescan’s network of hyperspectral mineralogy labs includes South East Asia, Canada, US, Mexico, Peru, Chile, and Argentina.