Connemara has announced that a drill rig has arrived on site to begin further testing of the Springhall target within the Oldcastle Block on the Meath/Cavan border in Ireland. 

This tenure is prospective for zinc/lead. 

Its joint venture partner, Teck Ireland Ltd has outlined structural, alteration and mineralisation evidence, which contribute to upgrading this target.

"Teck has earned a 51% interest in the block by spending €550,000 and has planned to increase it to 75%."

The new drill hole, TC-1991-­003, is targeted over 1km to the south-west of holes TC-1991-­002 and TC-­3926-­002, which were drilled earlier this year and intersected altered and mineralized zones within the Upper Sandstone Unit.

This unit is an important host to the SWEX zone at Tara Mine in Navan.

The Oldcastle block of five licences is being explored by Teck in an option agreement with Connemara, under the
Oldcastle Zinc vehicle.

Teck has earned a 51% interest in the block by spending €550,000 and has planned to increase it to 75% by spending an additional €800,000.

Connemara is a mining exploration company with gold, zinc and lead exploration licences in Ireland.

It has interests in 34 licences covering an area of approximately 1, 290km².