Canada-based gold producer Scorpio Gold has started the milling of Lode-Star Mining’s ore at Scorpio’s Goldwedge processing facility, located 54km north of Tonopah in the Manhattan Mining District of south-central Nevada, US.

The facility is 100% owned by Scorpio Gold and situated 120km north of Lode-Star's Goldfield Bonanza property.

The move comes after testing was conducted on Lode Star ore delivered to the 400t a day Goldwedge milling facility in February. The Lode Star ore was segregated into three batches and processed through the milling circuit.

During this exercise, adjustments were made to the wet mill cyclones prior to each batch.

According to the Scorpion Gold, these cyclone adjustments influence the final particle size and provide a range for grind size versus recovery and associated throughput. 

Upon analysis, testing will provide the baselines for metallurgical recoveries and mill throughput data, which will be used to support the economics of processing Lode Star's ore.

"These results should provide the basis for a long-term toll milling contract with Lode-Star."

The company has reported that the coarse gold component of Lode-Star's material was recovered by the gravity circuit.

In order to determine the potential economics of shipping tailings to the company's Mineral Ridge heap leach operation for final recovery of cyanide-leachable precious metals, and additional testing process will be conducted on the tailings.

Mining engineering and consulting company Kappes Cassiday of Reno, Nevada, has been assigned the task of metallurgical testing of the batched product.

Scorpio Gold president Chris Zerga said: "Although this testing was somewhat delayed due to permitting, the milling of the Lode Star ore at our Goldwedge facility went as planned and we look forward to reviewing the results from the metallurgical testing.

“These results should provide the basis for a long-term toll milling contract with Lode-Star."

Lode-Star is a mining company engaged in the exploration, development, and production of North American mineral assets.