Brockman Mining is proposing to build a railway line to connect its Marillana and Ophthalmia projects in the East Pilbara to Port Hedland in Australia. 

The company’s latest decision comes following completion of a study evaluating an independent railway to connect the projects.

Brockman is considering the independent railway logistics solution in a bid to deliver its iron ore to the export market.

The company has commissioned Australian engineering company Engenium for its own railway study.

"The company plans to build a railway line with a capacity of 30 million tonnes a year to a designated berth in Port Hedland."

Brockman Mining business development director Hendrianto Tee said: “Brockman has never ceased in working out a logistics solution for its projects in the Western Australia despite market and regulatory constraints.  

“Brockman’s management and board remain confident of bringing Marillana’s ore to the export market once a logistics solution has been established.

“Concurrent to the Brockman’s rail development, the company continues to progress with its Project Maverick, a 2.5Mtpa initial production from Marillana predicated on the use of performance based standard road trains (‘Super Quad’) and export through the Utah Point Port Facility.”

Initially, the company plans to build a railway line with a capacity of 30 million tonnes a year to a designated berth in Port Hedland.

Furthermore, it is proposed to be expanded to 50Mtpa for other junior miners.

The rail would be based on a standard gauge design, 26t axle load, and incorporating an ‘Ausbeam Track System’, while the design and track structure is expected to minimise capital cost.

Brockman plans to progress with a pre-feasibility study and continue discussions with the relevant Western Australian Government departments on requirements for its rail, as well as its facilitating port.