Botswana Diamonds has secured a prospecting licence over an additional 1,000ha at its Vutomi joint venture (JV) in South Africa.
Geophysics studies taken up in the additional area immediately east of and contiguous to the company’s Frischgewaagt property, demonstrated that the kimberlite dyke / pipe system being studied extends into the adjacent property.
According to the company, the two properties are cover a combined area of more than 2,700ha.
Botswana Diamonds chairman John Teeling said: "One of the first things you do if you have promising exploration results is to secure adjacent ground.
"Initial results are encouraging, but we do not yet know where the richest mineralisation will be confirmed.
"Work so far strongly indicates that the system containing diamonds extends eastwards, adjacent to our Frischgewaagt property.”
The company understands that the diamond-bearing dyke stretches at least 10km.
It noted that ground magnetic surveys determined several dipole anomalies on the Frischgewaagt project.
Recently, the prospecting work on the Vutomi JV’s Ontevreden licence has discovered a group 2 kimberlite pipe.
According to the results of initial work, it covers a size of 1.5 to 2.5ha in an area containing high-interest garnets.
Further work including drilling will be undertaken by the company to confirm the size and the presence of commercial diamonds.