New Talisman Goldmines Limited (NTL), listed on both the Australian and New Zealand stock exchanges, has agreed terms for acquiring a processing plant to handle ore from the Talisman Mine project in New Zealand.

As per the agreement, the acquisition is subject to NTL carrying out a successful capital raise and a physical inspection by an NTL representative.

To secure the deal, NTL has paid a refundable 10% deposit to the vendor, maintaining the agreement for 60 days.

The plant, which will operate using modular gravity separation, will boast a processing capacity of 100t per day, which aligns with NTL’s near-term production forecast.

NTL is currently in early talks with refiners to produce dore bars from the high-grade concentrate expected from the plant.

Securing the processing plant marks a significant step in NTL’s strategic plan.

The company now awaits a decision from the Department of Conservation regarding access to the Talisman mine, which has advanced to the stage of preparedness to commence production.

If the purchase of the plant, which is offshore, proceeds, the estimated shipping time given to NTL is seven to eight weeks, plus additional time for customs clearance.

The intended location for the new plant is a site being prepared by Terra Firma specifically for NTL.

Last month, NTL signed a heads of agreement for Terra Firma Mining (TFM) to process Talisman ore and offer a leasehold premise suitable for the processing operations.

It was then stated that the agreement will transition into a formal contract after a successful capital raise by NTL, acquisition of the processing plant, the preparedness of the site for plant installation and the Department of Conservation granting an access arrangement to the Talisman mine.