Moroccan mining company Managem Group has commenced production from the Tri-K gold mine located 90km north-east of Kankan in Guinea.

With estimated reserves of 1.5Moz, the mine is expected to produce 130,000oz of gold a year.

Construction on the mine was implemented under the supervision of the Moroccan mining company’s subsidiary Reminex.

In a press statement, Managem said: “Tri-K mine consolidates the group’s presence in the Republic of Guinea and supports its determination to position itself among the largest intermediate gold producers in West Africa.”

Located in the Mandiana region within an exploration area of 473km², the Tri-K gold mine has an operational life of 12 years. It is expected to create 800 direct jobs and 1,500 indirect jobs.

Managem is undertaking an extensive exploration programme to unlock additional reserves and extend the mine’s operational life.

Commenting on the development, Managem Group chairman and CEO Imad Toumi said: “The first gold bar poured at Tri-K is an important milestone in strengthening our gold strategy in Africa.”

Managem Group owns an 85% stake in Société des Mines de Mandiana (SMM), which owns the Tri-K mining licences. The remaining 15% stake is held by Guinean mining estate company Société Guinéenne du Patrimoine Minier (SOGUIPAMI).

In March 2021, Managem partnered with Wanbao Mining Group to jointly develop gold mining projects in Sudan.

Under the arrangement, Managem will have a 65% stake in the exploitation and exploration licence Block 15, as well as the associated Gabgaba gold mine and expansion project.

Within three years, the partners plan to complete a definitive feasibility study for the Gabgaba gold mine expansion project.