Canadian mining and exploration company Major Precious Metals has secured Skaergaard Mineral Exploration Licence (MEL 2021-10) from the Greenland Ministry of Mineral Resources and Mineral Licence and Safety Authority (MLSA) in the eastern part of the country.

Claimed to be one of the world’s largest undeveloped gold and palladium resources, the Skaergaard project comprises three mineral exploration licences in eastern Greenland and located 450km west of Iceland.

These licences include the 107km² MEL 2007-01, 16km² MEL 2012-25, and 754km² MEL 2021-10.

The MEL 2021-10 is located on the eastern and western shore of the Kangerlussuaq Fjord, immediately adjacent to MEL 2007-01 and MEL 2012-25 that comprise the Skaergaard Project.

The total size of the Skaergaard Project has now been increased to 877km² with the approval of the new MEL.

Major Precious Metals plans to assess the new MEL for potential sites for future infrastructure as part of the Skaergaard Project’s preliminary economic assessment (PEA).

In a press statement, the Canadian company said: “In addition, the company plans to complete reconnaissance geological mapping and prospecting in this area to determine its mineralisation potential as part of its planned summer 2021 exploration and drilling programme.”

Major Precious Metals acquired the Skaergaard precious metal project from Platina Resources last year.

The firm also operates the Bathurst Mining Camp Project in New Brunswick, Canada.

Comprising 16 mineral claims covering 13,253ha, the Bathurst Mining Camp Project is located adjacent to the Trevali Mining-operated Caribou Zinc Mine that produces 100Mlb of zinc a year.