Karelian Diamond Resources has secured a diamond exploration reservation situated in the Liperi region of eastern Finland from The Finnish Mining Authority (TUKES).
The company’s decision to apply for the reservation comes following a review of positive past exploration results and airborne geophysics in the Liperi region.
According to the company, the Liperi Reservation covers an area of 12km².
On the Russian sector of the Craton, two diamond deposits, Lomonosov and Grib, have been discovered and are currently in production.
Karelian Diamond Resources chairman Richard Conroy said: “I am delighted that Karelian Diamonds has been granted this reservation in the Liperi region of Finland. It lies to the south of the Kuhmo region, where the company has discovered two kimberlite bodies.”
Karelian Diamonds is carrying out an ongoing exploration programme on the Finnish sector of the Craton in the Kuhmo region.
The company is also evaluating a diamond deposit at Lahtojoki in Finland’s Kaavi region in a bid to develop a mine.
With the new reservation in place, Karelian Diamond now has exclusive rights to apply for an exploration permit within the area.
The company’s major diamond projects in Finland are the Lahtojoki diamond project, the Seitaperä diamondiferous kimberlite pipe, and the Riihivaara diamond exploration project.
Karelian Diamond’s Finnish plans are based on Karelian Craton’s diamond prospects.