Jubilee Metals Group has completed the joint venture (JV) platinum group metals (PGM) recovery plant for the Windsor PGM project in the Western Bushveld complex in South Africa.

The PGM plant is targeted for the recovery of the PGM-rich material owned through the company’s subsidiary Windsor.

The project produced 1,346oz of PGM in its first operational month of August, which had been sold to a third party refinery.

With more than 1.45 million tonnes (mt) of chrome and PGM-rich material at the surface, the Windsor PGM project is capable of doubling Jubilee’s existing PGM production and enhancing the company’s profits.

Initial operations in July targeting low-grade PGM material. Higher grade PGM material processing started in the last week of August.

Until now, the company has delivered 468,779t of feed material to the PGM plant with 60,000t anticipated for delivery in this month. It produced 2,200 of saleable PGM ounces.

The grinding circuit and final flotation recovery circuits that became operational last month will further enhance production efficiencies.

Jubilee Metals Group CEO Leon Coetzer said: “The project holds the potential to double our existing PGM production delivering enhanced earnings without any capital burden or time delay associated with the construction of a new PGM recovery plant.

“Bringing Windsor PGM into full operation has been a strong team effort with our JV partner. The JV structure and terms, which incorporate a fixed processing cost with associated earnings share, ensures that both parties are incentivised to maximise PGM recoveries and operational efficiencies.”

Last month, the company completed the acquisition of Sable Zinc Kabwe, adding copper, vanadium, zinc and lead to its commodity basket.

In July, Jubilee Metals secured approval from the Zambian Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (ZCCPC) to acquire the Sable Zinc Kabwe refinery.