The Environmental Agency for Mineral Resource Activities (EAMRA) of Greenland has confirmed compliance of Bluejay Mining’s environmental impact assessment (EIA) at the Dundas Ilmenite Project.

Located in Greenland, Dundas is proven to be the highest-grade mineral sand ilmenite project worldwide.

The project is set to soon receive an update on the social impact assessment (SIA).

Both EIA and SIA will enable the explorer and developer Bluejay to move into the fixed-period public consultation and subsequent preparation of the White Book required for final exploitation approval from the region’s ministry.

Bluejay CEO Roderick McIllree said: “Whilst we are still waiting for confirmation of the same for the SIA, we are confident this will be received in the coming weeks

“We are confident that shortly both the EIA and SIA will be released for public consultation and both will demonstrate a high-quality and thorough assessment of the Dundas development.”

The EIA was prepared by Greenland-operating environmental consultant Orbicon|WSP.

Orbicon|WSP senior project manager Morten Christensen said: “After three years of detailed baseline fieldwork and dedicated surveys of the marine and terrestrial environment Orbicon|WSP is pleased to find that the environmental impact assessment for the Dundas Ilmenite Project has been accepted as compliant with agency guidelines. No major impacts have been identified by these environmental studies.”

In September 2019, Bluejay Mining formally lodged its exploitation licence application to the Mineral Licence and Safety Authority, Greenland (MLSA) for the Dundas project.

In May 2018, Bluejay Mining announced that it is set to start field work at Dundas in a bid to significantly increase available resources to the operation.