Fury Gold Mines (Fury) has started a 5,000m drilling programme at its Committee Bay project in the Kitikmeot region of Nunavut, Canada.

Situated across a 300km greenstone belt, the 270,000ha Committee Bay project comprises multiple high-grade target centres.

The programme is intended to expand the defined high-grade mineralisation at the Raven prospect, which is located in the south-west third of the Committee Bay gold belt.

Earlier, the Raven prospect encountered 2.8m of 31.1g/t gold and 5.49m of 12.6g/t gold.

In total, this prospect has nine historical drill holes totalling 1,670m over a drilled strike length of 400m.

The latest drilling programme also aims to assess the potential below the current resource at the Three Bluffs deposit.

In addition, Fury plans to undertake surface exploration work at five targets in the southern half of the belt and advance them to the drilling stage.

Fury president and CEO Mike Timmins said: “Committee Bay represents a potential major gold exploration opportunity in Nunavut where some of the largest global gold discoveries have been made.

“This year’s high impact exploration plan has been designed to test significant extensions of high-grade mineralisation at both Raven and Three Bluffs, as well as advance several high priority targets on the belt to drill stage.

“We are very excited about this year’s programme as Raven has some of the best historic drill results on the entire greenstone belt and sits on a mineralized 8km shear zone.”

Fury exploration senior vice-president Michael Henrichsen said that the drill for scale at the Raven prospect is expected to demonstrate the true size potential of the early staged discovery within 50km of the Three Bluffs deposit.

“The technical team is also looking forward to advancing a number of regional targets to drill stage this summer in preparation for the 2022 exploration season.”