FLSmidth has received a contract from Osisko Mining to deliver grinding equipment and ancillaries for the Windfall gold project in Canada.
Located in the Abitibi greenstone belt, Urban Township, Eeyou Istchee James Bay, Québec, the Windfall gold project consists of 285 individual claims covering an area of 12,467ha.
FLSmidth will be responsible for the supply of gear-driven semi-autogenous grinding (SAG) mill and a long gear-driven ball mill for the project.
Planned to be delivered in the second half of 2022, the grinding mills have processing capacity of up to 176.6 dry tonnes per hour, or 3,900 tonnes per day based on 92% availability.
Installation of the grinding mills are subject to securing all permits and authorisations.
Osisko Mining plans to install and operate the grinding mills in a SABC configuration, where the SAG and ball mill are in closed circuit.
Osisko CEO John Burzynski said: “FLSmidth is a recognized global leader in grinding technologies with a long track record of providing high quality products, and we are looking forward to be working with them on our developing Windfall project.
“Securing these critical long lead time components of the grinding circuit is an important first step in solidifying detailed engineering for the Windfall plant.
“We continue to advance all aspects of work on Windfall including our environmental assessment and consultation with our host communities and look forward to additional near-term announcements regarding our infrastructure plans.”
Said to be one of the highest-grade resource-stage gold projects in Canada, the Windfall gold deposit has mineralisation in three principal zones including Lynx, Main Zone, and Underdog.