Exploration company Fenix Resources has started works including clearing, grubbing as well as topsoil stripping activities at the Iron Ridge direct shipping ore (DSO) iron-ore project in Western Australia (WA).
Located about 600km north-north-east of Perth, the Iron Ridge project is approximately 67km north-east of the township of Cue in WA.
The company, alongside a local Western Australian contractor, is building an access road and camp, having secured camp buildings and key working personnel. The company has also ordered truck and trailer combinations for the road transport fleet.
With these plant and equipment items in place, the exploration company believes a mining contract award is ‘imminent’.
The Iron Ridge project is on track to begin production before the end of this year, with first ore shipment scheduled for early next year.
Fenix Resources managing director Rob Brierley said: “We are fully focussed on taking advantage of one of Iron Ridge’s key attributes; speed to market, in that it can be transitioned into a production asset in a timeframe of around three months.
“In advance of awarding the mining contract, we have local businesses doing early stage works for us, consistent with our objective of benefitting the community in which we will operate. We look forward to delivering on our previously announced timeline to achieve first sales in early 2021.”
The feasibility study on the project was completed in November last year using contract mining and trucking methods to minimise upfront capital requirements.