Canadian Environment and Climate Change Minister Jonathan Wilkinson has approved the Critical Elements’ Rose lithium/tantalum mining project in Quebec, provided that it adheres to certain conditions.

This approval follows the completion of impact assessments, which conceded that the project is not likely to cause significant environmental concerns in the event certain protective measures are adopted.

The project development is subject to 221 legally binding conditions, which Critical Elements is required to comply with.

The conditions include measures to protect migratory birds and birds at risk, fish and fish habitat, wetlands, woodland caribou, bats at risk, as well as the use of land and resources by Cree Nation for traditional purposes.

Critical Elements now plans to secure other necessary permits from federal departments and the Quebec government for the project’s development.

Wilkinson said: “Robust environmental assessment processes are designed to protect the environment and ensure that resource development is informed by science and consultations with the public and Indigenous peoples.

“These processes ensure that we can safely move forward with projects that will provide economic benefits to Canadians in an environmentally responsible manner.

“This project has the potential to benefit local communities and support the electrification of transportation by helping to meet the needs of the growing battery market.”

During its mine life of more than 17 years, the project is expected to produce about 4,500 tonnes of ore per day.

Mining exploration company Critical Elements proposed to construct, operate and decommission an open-pit lithium and tantalum mine located north of Nemaska, Quebec.

The proposed project includes the operation of an open-pit, waste and tailings impoundment area, and an industrial ore processing facility. It also has the option of transforming concentrate off-site.