-Adani Australia said that its billion dollar Carmichael project in central Queensland has created jobs for more than 1,500 people and awarded over A$1.5bn ($1.09bn) in contracts.
The Carmichael coal mine and rail project is located 160km northwest of Clermont Town in Queensland, Australia.
It will feature a 27.5 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) greenfield coal mine and a 200km railway line connecting the mine to the existing Goonyella rail system.
Adani Australia noted that the construction of the railway line and mine was set to continue through into 2021 and said it was expecting to generate more direct jobs.
Adani Mining CEO David Boshoff said: “The Stop Adani movement said our project would never go ahead and would never create a single job. We have proved our opponents wrong.
“Mining has cushioned the Queensland and Western Australian economies from the worst of the devastating economic impact of the Covid-19 lockdowns and we are proud to be a part of that.
“More than 88% of our contracts are being delivered in Queensland and have been spread across all corners of the state to give as many regions as possible the opportunity to benefit from our project, while also enabling us to tap into the highly-skilled construction and resources industry workforce that Queensland possesses.”
David Boshoff added that the company will remain “full speed ahead” on the construction of the Carmichael rail and mine project.
He also signalled that more jobs, including permanent roles for the operation of the mine and rail, would be created.
According to the company, the project is on track to produce first coal in next year.
In July, Adani Australia commenced excavation work at Carmichael open-cut coal project.
In June, Adani Australia awarded BMD a A$350m ($242m) contract for civil construction works for the Carmichael rail network.