AM Resources has acquired a 1,500km² land package through map staking in Austria, focusing on the Austrian Pegmatite Belt within the Austroalpine Nappes.

The acquired region is known for its geological diversity and abundant mineral resources.

AM Resources CEO David Grondin said: “Seizing this unique opportunity in a proven mining-friendly jurisdiction was a no-brainer for us. We are very excited to have assembled such a large, high-value prospective property.

“We were diligent in testing and proving our theory last summer when we acquired two properties based on geological probabilistic structures and went to the ground and found spodumene on each one of them.

“Following this confirmation, we have staked all currently available claims that we believe to be of geological interest in the proven Austrian Pegmatite Belt.”

AM Resources also added the Frederick property, which has 112 identified pegmatites over an area of 52.25km², marking it as a priority for the company’s upcoming exploration efforts.

The Frederick property showcases the potential of the Austrian Pegmatite Belt, with the longest pegmatite on the property stretching over 750m, underscoring the significance of this acquisition.

Grondin added: “This strategic acquisition represents a pivotal moment in AM Resources’ growth plan and strengthens its position in one of the most prospective mineral regions in Europe.

“This acquisition fits perfectly with our growth strategy and underscores our confidence in the mineral potential of Austria.

“The geological diversity for other minerals and the presence of extensive pegmatite systems provide exciting discovery opportunities.”

The combination of the number and size of the pegmatites has positioned this property as one of the top priorities for AM Resources’ next exploration campaign.

Geological surveys of the area have revealed the presence of several thousand pegmatites variably distributed across the newly acquired land.

These formations are primarily found within mica schist and paragneiss, often interlayered with staurolite and aluminosilicate-rich strata.