Altura Mining has completed an initial round of exploratory drilling at its Cleopatra prospect in Australia and carried out fieldwork at the nearby Hazelby Prospect, which has identified a copper-gold-silver target.

The prospect is located within Altura’s E45/2363 tenement, approximately 3.5km south-east of the Altura Lithium Mine.

The exploratory drilling was conducted as a follow up to a geophysical survey utilising the induced polarisation (IP) method at Cleopatra.

Vortex Geophysics performed the geophysical survey and the results were analysed by Core Geophysics. The drilling was carried out by Egan Drilling.

“Altura completed 12 exploration reverse circulation (RC) drill holes, totalling 684m in February within the Cleopatra prospect.”

Carried out last September over wide-spaced lines at Cleopatra, Dipole-Dipole Induced Polarisation (DDIP) surveying was aimed at detecting and delineating potential responses associated with known gold anomalies discovered from surface sampling banded quartz veins and breccias.

The results revealed that the area was dominated by conductive weathered overburden.

Altura completed 12 exploration reverse circulation (RC) drill holes, totalling 684m in February within the Cleopatra prospect.

As part of the next stage of exploration, the company will complete a broader soil sampling programme that will target the IP anomalies and mapped horizons indicating gold mineralisation zones.

Situated within the E45/2363 tenement, approximately 3.5km NNE of the Cleopatra prospect, the Hazelby prospect is also known as the Melted Caravan Prospect.

Previous work at this prospect has identified mineralisation within pyritic quartzite and cherts in the nose of a plunging fold.

In a separate development, Altura has steadily increased production at its Pilgangoora lithium mine in Western Australia.