Mexico’s Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) has granted a new environmental permit to Aloro Mining’s subsidiary Exploraciones Aloro to drill Los Venados (LV).

Earlier this month, Aloro submitted the Informe Preventivo (permit) to SEMARNAT to continue drilling on its 3,199ha LV project.

Prior to applying for the permit, the company negotiated a new three-year 50 drill hole surface access agreement with the Mulatos Ejido.

“We are very pleased that SEMARNAT reviewed our application and has turned it around quickly.”

Aloro’s agreement signed previously limited it to only 12 drill holes, which was completed last December.

The permit specifies and includes 14 drill holes, as well as the construction of 14 drill sites and 1,500m of access roads to reach the new drill site locations.

Aloro Mining president and CEO Thomas Doyle said: “We are very pleased that SEMARNAT reviewed our application and has turned it around quickly.

“New mapping and sampling by the Aloro geological team in the south-east portion of the property has identified new mineralised structures in addition to what was intercepted in LVRC-012.

“I look forward to getting the drill rig back on the property and follow-up on the discoveries we have found in the south-east portion of the project.”

Valid for two years, the new permit is focused on the blind target in the south-east corner of the Los Venados concession discovered by drill hole LVRC-012.

The LV project is located in the central part of the Mulatos Gold District and directly adjacent to Alamos Gold’s Mulatos open pit to the south.