Multinational mining company Anglo American has today provided an update on measures it is introducing across its global operations in an attempt to slow the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. The new measures will apply across the company’s mining and corporate operations.
Anglo American chief executive Mark Cutifani said: “We are taking all appropriate measures, often tailored to the specific nature and location of a particular site, to protect the safety, health and wellbeing of our people and all those who interact with our business around the world.
“The nature of our business is such that much of our work cannot be done remotely, so our focus is on reducing the risk of the virus spreading into and across our sites. Operational continuity is critical for jobs, for the communities around our operations and for the local and global economies. Our sites and offices therefore have escalation plans to accommodate the ongoing impact of the pandemic and these will continue to be revised as the situation evolves.
For offices where remote working is not possible, Anglo American said it is implementing strict segregation rotas. At mining operations, social distancing measures are in place for team meetings, accommodations and canteen areas. Work-related international travel has been restricted, as well as non-essential visits to operating sites. The restrictions are aimed at safeguarding the company and its employees from outbreaks of the virus, while minimising any disruption to mine production.
Several mining companies across the globe have either had their operations slowed or closed completely, either in line with government restrictions or following confirmed Covid-19 diagnoses at mining sites. Anglo American has confirmed that all its mines are currently operational, and the coronavirus outbreak has not had a material impact on production.
“We recognise that this is a fast changing and stressful situation for everyone and we know that we all have our part to play to help each other through the pandemic and be ready for when we emerge on the other side,” Cutifani added.